Tag Archives: Chart

My First 2012 Cross Stitch Project


Today I thought I would take a look at my next cross stitch project – have already got the fabric and threads needed so want to start it as soon as I finish my crochet project (hopefully wont be too long and I can show you a photo šŸ™‚ )

Love the design of the project – last year I was into oriental style designs but now I seem to be looking more at african ones.

This one is 250 x 157 stitches and will measure 45 x 28cm. EEEKKK! Surprisingly though it only uses 40 different threads (which was a lot less than I thought).



Am slightly scared at the look of the chart when put together :S

Have never done a project this large before – not entirely sure how I will even start to tackle it!

Oh well, nothing like a challenge to keep the brain going (she says :S)

WillĀ definitelyĀ post photos of this project as I think it will be good to actually see a timeline of progress – otherwise it could be quite disheartening when you think youĀ aren’tĀ getting anywhere with it!

Anyway, must dash, have a crochet project itching to be finished!

Miss C xx

Todays Project….


So today I decided to have a go at making my own cross stitch pattern, only to find I had no graph paper šŸ˜¦ But quickly realised the wonderful world wide web and printable graph paper. Below you will see my pattern charted onto the graph paper and then the finished design. For all of you thinking about doing this, my one bit of advice to you would be to start simple! Something that does not have small details. Unlike me…. I decided to do my logo which is not overly big and would always involve a lot of fractional stitches whatever the size. Needless to say IĀ perseveredĀ …..

I think you can see that from the finished design…… I need a lot more practice šŸ™‚ But what do you think? Miss C xx